Saturday, December 26, 2015

Windy Hill (12-26-15)

JT and I headed up to Windy Hill today for what ended up to be a decent day of flying...

As we were setting up the winds began ramping up pretty good - gusts up to 35 mph were being measured.

It was cold also...

As noon rolled around, the wind velocity diminished to a reasonable 25 mph give or take - I decided to get up in the air as it was getting cold sitting on the ground.

The hill was working really good and was definitely soarable, with a nice elevator sweet spot just south of launch that got us both fairly high.

Working our way to the north today, though, seemed to have little reward, so we stayed around launch - ultimately heading out over the LZ.

JT was working something over the landing area, so I came in above him and took that back up to launch - maxing that climb to 2831'.

Then, just as quickly as it started - it seemed to simmer into just strong glassy smooth air - time to land.

Nice landings were had by both today - Chris Carillo got a nice site intro and is stoked to fly Windy now.

A good day!

Time: 37 minutes
Altitude: 2831' MSL

JT made a fun video from today, as well...