Monday, April 26, 2010

Waddell 4.25.10

Mike Owens and I decide to head down to Waddell this past Sunday...everyone else chose to fly easy sites like Dunlap and some may have even opted for easier sites like McClure or the Owens Valley...we chose Waddell...

; > )

When we arrived, Nile Brewer was setting up his vintage Wills Wing Fusion with his girlfriend, Jessica...good people. The white caps were quite a ways out to sea, but we had a feeling something was making it's way to the bluffs. It was worthwhile to set up, so we did.

The landing strip is now closed to general aviation (except one guy who flies a yellow Piper Cub). We have it all to ourselves now...

After a few hours of hang waiting, the winds finally started to pick up...I decided to give it a go, but only flew for about 8 minutes before I opted for a beach landing just below launch...the air had that typical Waddell texture, and was much more northy than my comfort level could tolerate. I was able to get a hike assist up the trail by Matt and Mike (and Jessica), so didn't have to break down my glider.

Nile then gave it a go...

...and managed a decent 30+ minute flight with a top landing in some gnarly conditions.

Jessica watching Nile...who had the truck keys with him.

After a couple hours, I launched again and eeked out a 20+ minute flight, then opted for a nice smooth beach landing...great fun.

I think the weather yesterday was hampered by a high pressure system that had planted itself over the Waddell Creek area. The air felt "pre-shear" and textured the entire day with little lift beyond the launch area. Regardless, it was fun to hang out at Waddell and meet some new people. Nile and Jessica (and Matt Isaacson) made hang-waiting a fun day long event.

My recently acquired Sport 2 flies superbly. I really like the light-weight feel of that glider both on the ground and in the air. It is confidence inspiring and responsive to every input.

Flight time: 30 minutes...