Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ed Levin 4.24.10

It was a tough call as to where to go today in the Bay Area...those that headed to Funston did not fly and those that headed to Ed Levin got in a few flights, however short they were...I was with the crowd that headed to Ed Levin, and a BBQ to boot.

Along my way to EL, I stopped by good friend Mike Wilson's place and picked up his prestine condition Sport 2 155...Mike is taking a hiatus from the sport and selling his gear, so I made him an offer on the Sport 2.

A clean Sport 2 is hard to find and this particular glider is spotless all things considered. I removed the wheels and replace them with some skids, added some hangloop extensions to the stock hangstrap and was good to go. The glider has the VG limiter removed, so I can pull on an extra 8 to 10 inches of VG which actually makes quite a difference in glider performance for the Sport 2's. I didn't have much time to experiment with the Sport 2, but did really enjoy the way the glider flew.

There is something really fun about getting back to the basics in this sport...

I'm going to remove the Wills Wing badging from the keel on this bird to clean it up a bit...

; > )

Time: Sledder...