Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Last Couple Weeks of Flying

The last few weeks of flying have been great...not necessarily because of the flying itself, which is a given, but because of the people I've been hanging out with as a result of flying hang-gliders.

April 10, 2010 ~ Dunlap

Joe Jackson, Mike Owens, John Taylor, Ryan Goebel and I headed out to Dunlap for a weekend. This was my first trip to Dunlap and I'm kicking myself for having waited 6 years to finally fly this site. The weather delivered some decent ridge soaring conditions with broken thermals here and there. I was having difficulty with my new harness, but had a decent flight regardless reaching cloudbase at about 5500'. Afterward, we all camped out at Dan Fleming's LZ, cooked dinner, and had a great time. Sunday, the conditions were over-developed, so we headed home wanting more of what Dunlap has to offer...I didn't take many pictures, but HERE is a video is Ryan Goebel, Ace Comp Pilot, landing after a two hour flight.

56 Minutes...

April 13 through 16, 2010 ~ Funston

Evening flights at Funston are always fun...

Me cruising along in the Saturn...

Dave Crafts smooth as ever...

Dirk and Dingo flying along in tight formation...

All photos by Steve Davy...

Enough said...

Total time: 5 hours

April 17, 2010 ~ Waddell

Then, finally, we end up at Waddell just north of Davenport along the coast...I've had marginal flights at this site the last few tries...infact, I've been skunked almost each time I've tried to fly there. This past weekend broke that pattern with some strong, challenging conditions. I managed to make my way up toward the upper ridge line above the lumber yard for the first time. Waddell is a site that has mixed personalities, but hanging out there is just as much fun as the flying. The ocean views are spectacular and there is always a burger and a beer waiting for you afterward.

Gliders waiting to be flown...



Ryan, Charlie, and Urs...

More gliders...

Total time: 51 Minutes

There, I'm all caught up on flying stories and have the next week off work for some Bay Area and McClure flying...

More later...