Sunday, April 4, 2010

Funston 4.3.10

Of all the days to not bother flying with a camera...

But, fortunately, fellow pilot and good buddy, Brian Foster had his camera rolling!

Click on the video HERE...

Original plans involved heading to McClure for a day trip. All looked good to go until a last minute weather check showed the conditions had deteriorated for the area...After a few last minute emails and phone calls, we all opted to stay local and fly Funston.

When I arrived, only Sidewire Simpson had his Falcon set up. Conditions were looking soarable and projected to build throughout the day. I grabbed my glider and started stuffing battens into the sail...Mr. Foster showed up, also, and set up his glider as well as Enzo.

Enzo launched first and gave the ridge a shot then landed after a few minutes reporting it was still filling in...

Soon I launched, and after two passes along the ridge, headed down to Westlake. Lift was everywhere and soon Mr. Foster joined me. We had the entire cliffs of Westlake to ourselves and had a good time chasing each other high above the paragliders below. I worked in a couple wing-overs as the fun continued. Looking back at launch, I could see more gliders getting was going to be a busy day at the Fort.

My hands were getting pretty chilled in the 30 to 40 degree air, so I landed, grabbed a bite, and warmed up for round two.

Ben Dunn had entered a fun "circuit" into Brian and my varios with start cylinders and turn points. I launched again to give the circuit a try, but had to cut it short due to traffic issues with some pilots not understanding ridge soaring right of way rules...the air was just too busy to fly a dedicated course...out of self-preservation I flew back to Westlake to just boat around the final flight of the day.

Days like this at Funston stick with me for a while...smooth boaty air and flying with some of the greatest people one can know make for a great day.

1st Flight: 1 hour, 58 minutes
2nd Flight: 1 hour, 9 minutes