I've been working with Eves Tall Chief on a cool flame design for my T2C...Eves has provided a lot of insight into how to draw flames and such...there is a trick to it and I think I've learned from the master...Above are the numerous sketches Chief took the time to draw for me, as well as some of my own sketches, too...
The sketch above will be what I'll ultimately submit to Wills Wing...Colors will be black and red...Steve Pearson will take my drawing and apply it to his computer system, thus creating the design and bringing it to life. A mirror image of the design on the left will be created on the right side of the wing for symmetry. My Chief-influenced drawing has somewhat of a tribal flare that I find totally neato. It's an example of art meeting the air so to speak.
I'll need to finalize sail materials and so forth in the next few days, then sit back and wait for my creation to be built...this is almost as much fun as planning a hang-gliding roadtrip. Ideally, I'd like to head down to the Wills Wing factory to pick up the glider and incorporate a So-Cal flying trip with this whole process, as well...we'll see.