Sunday, April 12, 2015

Funston (4.11.15)

Strong conditions made for a challenging day at Funston this Saturday - days like this I'll often time choose to sit out, but today everything felt right, so I decided to get in the air and see how the T2C felt in 30 to 35 mph winds aloft.

The flight was a lot of fun - I'd cruise on down to Westlake, get up to 1500', then battle the headwind back to launch, wash, rinse, repeat - the last few trips down to Westlake I flew the entire downwind leg backwards...gaining altitude on the trip down - something I have never experienced before at Funston.

Wind velocity actually increased during the flight, so I opted for a safe landing on the beach rather than endure the rotor in the LZ.

Flight Time: 2 hours, 12 minutes
Altitude:  1607' MSL