Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tacoma Truck Bed Project (Part 2)

The Tacoma truck bed project is coming together!


The truck bed platform does not have a lower box for support.

Structural support will be provided with 1/8" thick wall 1" x 3" rectangular tube steel purchased at Maxx Metals in San Carlos.

Later model Tacomas come with 1" x 7" recessed pockets (2 each) along the back and front third of the truck bed.

The 1" x 3" rectangular tube steel fits perfectly in the recessed pockets.

I could probably get by with one piece of rectangular steel per pocket, but two pieces of steel fit, so I'll go with the added support.

The steel tubing will need to be secured in each pocket to prevent sliding forward and back.

The lower slide out cargo platform won't be delivered until June 4th...

In the meantime, I'll get the bed platform fit with indoor / outdoor carpet and clean off all the road dust.

Almost there!