There are times when I have a lot of words to describe various emotions...then there are times when no words describe how I feel. I have no words to describe the passing of Keith Erwin other than to say he will be greatly missed by his hang-gliding family.

Keith died this past Sunday while performing aerobatic maneuvers in his powered ultralight...
Each day that passes seems to help with regard to what we all witnessed on Sunday...talking to your friends really makes things better. It is traumatic to see such an incident, and difficult to process, when the person is someone you've handed a beer out of your cooler and clicked bottles to a day of flying.
Keith was one of those people...
The flying community we know and love is a unique group...we share something others only dream about...sometimes the ending is ugly as all hell, but we keep flying because we love what we do, and we love who we do it with.
I look forward to clicking many more beers with all of you!
Rest in peace, Brother, you will be forever in our thoughts...
Video by Brian Foster