Monday, September 7, 2009

Mission 9.06.09

Photo by Brian Foster

Mr. Foster and I decided Funston was going to be too foggy again, so off the Mission Ridge we went. It was the right call and we had the entire ridge to ourselves. Brian took the photo above of me thermaling earlier in the flight.

Brian launched first and radioed in that it was good. I then launched and could tell we'd be in the air for more than the usual sledders I'd been getting lately. Within no time we were looking down on the ridgeline and zipping all over the place. It's great when expectations are low and a rewarding flight is had by all.

I was able to eek out about 35 minutes, then found some enormous sink that had me scratching at RC Hill for all it was worth...couldn't find the ticket back up again and landed...Brian stayed up for another 1/2 hour or so zippidying back and forth.

Afterward, we had beer and pizza...a great day of flying.