Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Last Month

Where does the time fly?

I just got over the flu on Monday after enduring high fever and such, which resulted in having to cancel our trip to Chelan. I was really looking forward to heading up to enjoy the Chelan XC Classic, but that was not to be in 2012...definitely will be heading up in 2013, though!

But, some big things have happened in the last month...sort of.

ACPs Trey, Ryan, and CRV

I brought in both the opening weekend at Yosemite by monitoring some of my buds off Glacier Point June 9th and 10th AND celebrated my 500th hour of flight time during my flight at Yosemite that weekend, as well...

I think I flew with John Taylor, as well, soon after...

...and Carm.

I've been having some good flights this year, most notibly a 4 hour, 7 minute flight at Funston on June 24th...cruising the air with Mr. Foster was a lot of fun.

Then came the flu...I hate being sick, especially in summer, and especially a few days prior to leaving on a flying trip.

But, once I felt better, I managed to get in a flight yesterday at Funston. The conditions were pre-shear shit. I should have just stayed around launch playing around the observation deck, but decided to head to Westlake.

I could feel the air had that pre-shear bubblyness to it as I headed down to Westlake, but I kept with my plan of getting to the beach no matter what this flight!

The air just kept getting more chunky, so I kept flying. After an hour of getting bobbled around at Westlake, I pulled the plug low and headed back to launch. A little too low as I ended up landing on the beach at the base of launch...all good. I topped off my landing on the beach by stepping in dog shit which at first made me angry, then all I could do was laugh.

I broke down my glider and simply enjoyed being outside rather than sick in bed. Chad was kind enough to help me haul my glider back up.

There you go...the month in review!