Friday, December 24, 2010

Tam 12.24.10

It has been almost a full month since my last flight...I'd been missing some of the good flying days in and out of the rains that had been rolling through the Bay Area recently.

Ben Dunn and I thought A-launch at Tam would be good today. With winds predicted SSE, we decided to give it a go. When we arrived, launch was blowing 20 to 25 mph with cloudbase a couple hundred feet up.

We set up quickly with cloudbase becoming variable, but with enough breaks for it to still be a go.

Ben was off first and I was soon to follow. The air was a ratty mix of ridge lift, shear, and thermal...a wonderful mix of air to blow the cob webs out of almost a whole month of not flying...all of it felt really good today.

Out in front of B-launch with Ben working lift...

I spent a majority of this rather short flight above launch...

As quickly as it had begun, it soon ended...within 17 minutes, I was on the beach after what felt like an easterly cycle, but with a big smile knowing we had both flown in some challenging conditions for Tam.

Tracey hung out with us today, also, and made the day all the more enjoyable by not only driving for us, but for just hanging with us, as well.

A great Christmas Eve!

Flight time: 17 minutes...