Many of my fans have been writing asking how my flight was on Day 4 at Crestline...
Well, I flew for a 1/2 an hour, then piled in like a total ACP animal upon landing. Infact, I wouldn't really call it a landing, but more of a controlled "skid" that went abruptly into a WHACK! I faired well and the glider came out of it all without a scratch or broken downtube. After my display of ACP landing prowess, I erupted into my usual tyrade of self-abuse and swearing to the delight of all the locals.
I'm looking forward to flying Crestline again, though. The days spent with Wendy were really fun and I'll be slayin' it again at that site in short time.
Today I get to have an ACP endoscopy at 4 PM...