Sunday, September 27, 2009

Santa Cruz Flats: Day Seven

Day 7 was disappointing for me personally as I barely made it out of the start cylinder before getting drilled...again. I was doing well after a successful tow working some lift with Alex, Ben, and Patrick, then lost drift of the thermal we were working.

I tried for all it was worth to position myself beneath another gaggle circling above only to sink out. I'm not going to beat myself up anymore on this flight and am looking forward to improving upon what I've already got and moving on. Santa Cruz Flats has been a good lesson in the amount of work I need to do to ultimately do well in competitions and simply become a more proficient pilot.

Brian, Alex, Ben, and James all had superb flights making it just past the second waypoint on Saturday. Brian came back after his Friday tow mishap and smoked on his repaired glider...that was good to see.

Wendy had a great time here and that is what is most important. She is an excellent driver and support for these comps and I'm extremely lucky / grateful for that!

Time for the long drive home, then back to work on Monday and flying our local sites.

Flight time: 30 minutes...ugh.