Thursday, July 17, 2008

King Day Four 7.17.08

Day four brought us some windy conditions and Route 2 was called, one of the more challenging routes at King. Route 2 is probably more challenging for the drivers as there are at least 3 mountain ranges involved and a lot of driving depending upon how far one flies. Radio communication can be an issue, as well.

Alan Paylor launched first and appeared to be getting thrashed around quite a bit. He radioed in there was a fair amount of over-development along the course. The winds started picking up and the over-developed cloud in question grew a bit then seemed to break up. There was still a fair amount of weather to contend with in the next valley east, part of the Route 2 courseline.

I waited for a while and launched with Brian after we felt conditions were a bit less sketchy. The mountainside above launch was better suited for ridge soaring rather than thermal flying due to the drift of the lift. I flew for about 15 or 20 minutes in the stuff, then radioed I was heading out to the valley floor to land...I'd had enough, but felt good that I had taken that step toward flying in more challenging conditions. I picked a nice big field to land and had one of my best landings at King this week...tomorrow is calling for more wind, so we'll see what the day brings.

Brian Foster predicting greatness for the day...