Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Break

I've had the last week off for Christmas break and will be going back to work on January 2nd, 2013.

Been getting in some fun, albeit short, flights at various sites here in the Bay Area...

Christmas Eve Flying...

Craig, JT, Eric H. and I got in a few flights at Waddell this day...the air was a little ratty, but at times smooth and buoyant, then back to being ratty again...typical Waddell flying.

Pictures courtesy of my professional photographer, John "JT" Taylor.

I really like how the new sail on the Sport 2 looks in the air.

Then on the 27th, the Canuck and I flew Diablo (Towers Launch) with Matt Epperson...The Canuck and I got in extended sledders while Matt slayed it for about an hour and a flights!

I opted for a right hand approach and tried to stay clear, or as clear as possible of the horses in the parking lot...good thing as one of the horses was a little jumpy.

Some videos of the Canuck and Matt landing...

A great day!

Then on the 28th, Ed Levin seemed like the right call...Unfortunately the road to the top was still closed, so we opted for a short flight off the 600 foot launch.

I made a short video from that flight...the new sail I have on the Sport 2 flies really well. It was a good day to practice a crosswind launch and hitting the spot landing.

Sunday we head to McClure!