Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day Weekend Flying

I'm on day four of a 4-day President's Day weekend that included some spectacular flying.


Friday I headed to McClure for a day trip...

LZ view toward Horseshoe...

Conditions were looking good, possibly pre-frontal with a system that was supposed to be rolling through the area over the weekend. After loading up the truck with gliders, we headed up to launch.

The cycles were fairly consistent as we set up. I was fourth to launch and got up fairly quickly. The thermals were snakey and at times a bit rough, but the day delivered no sledders, so that was good.

I flew for as long as the conditions would allow, then could feel the winds and thermal activity slowly dwindle to where Robert Boothe and I were scratching in the south bowl eeking out whatever else the day had to offer...then we landed.

It's nice when a 2 1/2 hour drive is rewarded with a good flight...makes for a short 2 1/2 hour drive home.

Flight Time: 2 hours, 19 minutes
Altitude: 4,000' MSL

Mission Ridge

Mission Ridge was definitely the call for Saturday...

Mr. Foster and I met at my place, then headed to the Mission Ridge parking lot where we met Steve Gatton and Craig Stanley before our drive up to launch...The wind sock was blowing in nicely and the birds were was going to be a good day of flying...

The ridge delivered a mixed bag of thermals and ridge lift on Saturday. There were times when it was best to do a series of linked 180's and there were times when it was best to turn in what appeared to be thermals. About 20 minutes into my fight I got low and had to rely on my favorite little canyon just above and northeast of RC Hill. I've had numerous low saves in that same area and was really hopeful it would work for me again. After some tight turns, I carefully worked the little bubble of a thermal that was crawling its way up the canyon. Within about 5 minutes, I was safe and back above launch...and thankful. Everyone was stinking high, and I would have been pissed had I sunk out.

My vario read the air temperature as 48-degrees, but it felt much cooler. Some of us headed south as far as we dared to Ed Levin, then worked our way back. I did this a couple times, deciding to turn back at the towers just northeast of Ed Levin launch...

The sun was setting and I could feel the conditions slowling dying out, but I worked whatever I could to eek 3 hours out of this the 3 hour mark, I brought it in for a nice top landing.

Flight Time: 3 hours
Altitude: 3,000' MSL


I was going to make Sunday a "Wendy Day", but at the two hour mark of my "Wendy Day", Wendy begged me to go flying, so I headed to Funston.

Good choice!

The lift was super fat, and Mr. Foster and I had a good time dicing it out over Westlake getting that oh-so-coveted awesome GoPro footage that only we think is amazing.

Long story short, we flew until the sunset...

Flight Time: 2 hours, 5 minutes
Altitude: 1161' MSL

A great weekend with some much needed airtime...2012 is off to a good start.