Diablo, Mission, Tam, and Funston were all looking good.
We opted to give Tam a try, but the gate at the top was locked due to snow and marginal road conditions (same with Diablo), at least by California standards. A great write-up by Gerry P HERE for those who decided to hike their gliders in at Tam. They got up in the air and 1000' above launch...well deserved. Some historic pictures where had from the air by Gerry in the link above.
The rest of us decided to head back to Funston...that also was a good call.
I had three flights yesterday afternoon...On my third flight, I headed on down to an almost vacant Westlake for some much needed airtime. Diev and I had two fun games of "chicken" that I hope he got on tape. Otherwise, it was just fun to be in the air for my first long flight of 2011.
Three Flights: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Altitude: 1094' MSL